Award Winning Counselling and Psychotherapy For Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Anger Management

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Anger Management

17 February 2022

Everyone feels anger at some point in their lives. It's what makes us human. People's angry outbursts can come in the form of sarcasm, sulking or malicious gossip. You might also feel guilty after a fit of anger. To deal with these outbursts, anger management is a very important skill to have.

Anger is not a "bad" feeling, and sometimes it can even be helpful. It can help us stand up for ourselves and make things right when they aren't. When we know how to deal with our anger well, it can push us to make changes that are good for us. But if you don't know how to handle your anger well, it could hurt your relationships with friends and family.

There are three parts to anger:

  • Physical Reactions:

When we get angry, we often get a rush of adrenaline, which is sometimes called our "flight or fight" response.

  • Cognitive Experience:

When we're angry, we often change how we see or understand things that have happened to us.

  • Behaviour:

When we're angry, we often do violent things like slam doors or raise our voices.

Anger Management Tools to help you control your outbursts

  • Breathing: Slowing down and taking deeper breaths makes the outbursts stop after a while.

  • The ABC Model is a simple way to stop yourself from getting angry. It means being aware of the anger, blocking the angry thoughts, and challenging them. Be aware, stop, and take on.

  • Visualize and rehearse: Seeing what will happen and replacing your anger with calm, in-control actions.

  • Trying to figure out what sets it off: The key to stopping angry outbursts is to figure out what sets them off.

  • Work out: If you work out for 30 minutes five times a week, your mood will improve.

  • Getting less or no overstimulation from TV, movies, computer games, drugs, or other things that throw off your balance and can make you angry.

Each person's history makes them unique. In therapy, part of the work is to figure out what causes the outbursts and then find the best way to deal with them. A therapist can help you learn how to deal with your anger. If you have trouble controlling your anger, you might want to think about seeing a therapist.

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